Thursday, June 13, 2013

Projects started: 745 Projects finished: 6 *sigh*

I'm a bit ADD, and a lot project-ADD. It sounds faintly amusing, but is actually very frustrating to -want- to make things, and -start- making things, but eventually find yourself with 745 things that still need -finished-.
I hadn't crocheted in about 9 months, til recently. Made a little hat for granddaughter; 1st hat, 1st use of cotton yarn. One complete do-over early on, some starts and stops while figuring things out. But it's done! Then came the little flower embellishment; not essential but I wanted to. Again a first. Again, stops and starts. Now it's done! On to a leaf or two! First attempt, and I was ready to steamroll over anything connected to crochet in this house. Set it aside. Looked up more patterns today, started one. After 3 partial re-dos while in progress, I made my own similar version. Close to the end, phone rings. No cordless down here. Set laptop aside (reading pattern online), set partial leaf aside, semi-trot to phone..inadvertently pulling yarn ball apart as I go *sigh* Get out of it while still going, foot still in, remove it, answer phone..and it's someone wanting money.
Now, truth is, I could use some money also! But I don't just call people up asking for it, no matter how good my reasons. Unless something comes up, and I need to call Haley, my best bet <3. As I'm waiting for a polite point I can tell caller no, I'm looking out the door window and see one of the pups tangled in the bush. Again. Looks like head is either stuck or he is eating something..bird?! Get rid of caller, untangle pup, and finally get back to leaf..and hallelujah, it hadn't come undone!
First leaf is now finished :)

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Humans are atrocious. That is all.

Just watched "Atomic Wounds" on
This documentary. It isn't particularly easy or fun to watch, but I think everyone should.Lots to think about.Trying to figure out how things fit together. The American's actions against the Japanese were shameful..but, the Japanese are hardly innocent in such things. Harken back to Unit 731. Again, the Americans actions in relation to that were shameful.
The Japanese (or some, at any rate) still harbor resentment and hatred for Americans because of the atomic bomb. But young people here are fascinated with all things Japanese, and I believe Japanese teens are almost as fascinated with our teen culture.That's a good thing; I'd much rather see that than animosity! But how many in either country know the history of these events? You're not going to find much in-depth truth in textbooks. -I- had never heard of Unit 731 and the monster who is Ishii (think Hitler/Mengele) until my youngest daughter told me.
There is a wave of extremist fundamentalism going on in the USA right now, with a popular phrase being "Wake up, America!" Because you know, Obama, that Muslim black man, is going to show up at our doors demanding all our guns.

But how awake was America during this bombing, and afterwards? How awake are the fundamentalists to history?
There is much uproar over a despicable abortion doctor being kept on the forefront, and I suspect not just for his monstrous actions, but to fuel the fire against a woman's rights to decisions over her own body.
But it's hard to deny America has aided and abetted monstrous actions to human bodies, including infants, throughout history.
I think of myself as a Christian. I have faith..shew, could not survive without it. I believe in God, without hesitation. I am not "for abortion" just because I do not like seeing female rights infringed upon.
I don't understand how this growing and kind of scary group can be so outraged on behalf of unborn children, yet not as vehement about their health and welfare after they are out in this world. How can you demand the government be all up in a woman's personal issues, while still crying out about government intrusion? How can you say the government is "taking away our rights", when you are all for denying them to others because they happen to love differently from you???
Bleh. I'll just have to let all this try to sort itself out in the back of my brain while I go play in the sun with the puppies.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Another day, another reason to pray

Prayers going out to those affected by tornadoes in Oklahoma; for their safety and well being. For strength and comfort. Also, for those who are helping in whatever way they are capable of.